Page level commands in Playwright Python
This article introduces basic operations using Playwright, focusing on commonly used functions such as `goto()` for navigating to URLs, `page.url` for getting the current URL, `page.title()` for retri
Navigation commands in Playwright python
We discuss the usage of the goto(), go_back(), go_forward(), and reload() methods in web automation using Playwright. These methods allow users to navigate to specific web pages, move back and forth b
Click and custom click in Playwright Python
In Playwright Python, when dealing with multiple element matches, it's essential to handle potential exceptions. Unlike Selenium, Playwright does not automatically click the first match. A custom func
Download files in Playwright Python
This post discusses using Playwright to handle file downloads from a webpage. It covers two methods for initiating and handling downloads, including monitoring the download progress, handling failures
Element Operations in Playwright Python
You can perform certain operations on element and few operation on element when you get multiple matches. We have listed and explained operation which are widely used
Why playwright is better than selenium webdriver, is it?
Playwright, with its Python programming, excels in UI-less automation, faster execution, flexible locators, network call monitoring, easy browser handling, video capture, built-in assertions, and ligh
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